How to Backup and Restore Database in ASP.NET

How to Backup and Restore Database in ASP.NET | Best and cheap ASP.NET Hosting. Sometimes we need to provide backup and restore facility in ASP.NET application in application’s control panel. In this article, I am going to explain how to develop a database backup and restore application in ASP.NET. I have taken example of SQL Server in this article however, this application can be used to backup and restore any database that .NET supports. You just need to change their provider instead of System.Data.SqlClient and a single SQL Statement to list the table names of the database. I will explain them in details later in this article.


My Backup and Restore web application looks like below:

1. Create a UI for database backup and restore

In this step, let us create a simple UI in ASP.NET to list all the database tables in the ListBox control that let the end user select the table to take backup and restore. Also put two buttons named Backup and Restore to do its respective functionality. My code for above UI looks like below:

2. Populate the database table in the ListBox control

In this step, we will write method that will populate all database tables in the ListBox control that will let the end user select the table to perform Backup or Restore. My code looks like below:

You can notice in the above code snippet, I am calling a method named PopulateDatabaseTables() in the Not IsPostBack condition under Page_Load event that will populate all the tables of the database in the ListBox control. Notice the select statement that has been stored into sql variable. This select statement varies between databases to databases. To list all the tables in SQL Server database, you need to use above select statement. To list all the tables of the MySQL database, you need to write “show tables” in place of above select statement. Of course, you need to change the provider as well to connect to the MySQL database.

3. Code for taking backup of the selected table

In this step, we shall write code to take backup of the selected table when Backup button will be clicked. You can see that in OnClick event of the Backup button, I have specified BackupNow method. Let us see the code for this method.

In the above code snippet, I have got the selected table name form ListBox in the tableName variable. Selected all records from that table and filled into a DataSet named dSetBackup. Later on I used WriteXml method of DataSet to write the contents of the selected table in an xml file. The name of the xml file will be the table name in my case and will be placed in the backup folder. Then I have written a success message. This way your end user will be able to take backup of all the tables in the database.

4. Code for restoring selected table

In this step, we shall see how to restore a selected table into the database once the Restore button will be clicked. Notice the Restore button where I have specified RestoreNow method in the OnClick event. The code for this method looks like below:

Please note that in order to above code snippet work, you must have the schema in place into the Restore database. This schema must match the original database schema from which you had taken backup otherwise your restore will not work.

In the above code snippet, I am first getting the connection string of the database where we need to restore the data. Then I am getting the schema of the selected table into the dSetBackup DataSet using dAd (SqlDataAdapter), as there will not be any row into the restore database, so it will only give the schema of the table. This will help us to push the backed up data into this DataSet. In the next line, I have read the backed up xml of the table using ReadXml method of the DataSet that will get all the backed up data for that table into the dSet DataSet. In next line, I am looping through every rows of the dSet DataSet table and adding them into our dSetBackup DataSet. Next, I have created a SqlCommandBuilder object for the SqlDataAdapter. This will internally build insert, update, delete statement for the dSetBackup DataTable. In the following line, I have used dAd.Update (SqlDataAdapter update method) to push the data into the restore database. At last I am writing the success message. Simple! Isn’t it?
