Big Discount 35% OFF Umbraco 7.5.11 Hosting

Big Discount 35% OFF Umbraco 7.5.11 Hosting | Best and cheap Umbraco 7.5.11 hosting in UK. Umbraco 7.5.11 released, this release bug fixing on the 7.5.9 release.

Release notes

Umbraco 7.5, the “System management update”

  • 301 redirect management
  • Health check dashboard
  • Password recovery for backoffice
  • Packages installer UI update / packages can target a minimum Umbraco version

What’s Umbraco

Umbraco is a fully-featured open source content management system with the flexibility to run anything from small campaign or brochure sites right through to complex applications for Fortune 500’s and some of the largest media sites in the world. Umbraco is easy to learn and use, making it perfect for web designers, developers and content creators alike.

You can be up and running in just a few minutes with our simple installer. Either apply one of the included starter kits or seamlessly integrate your own design.

Umbraco is strongly supported by both an active and welcoming community of users around the world, and backed up by a rock-solid commercial organization providing professional support and tools. Umbraco can be used in its free, open-source format with the additional option of professional tools and support if required.

BIG Discount Cheap Umbraco 7.5.11 Hosting in UK

Umbraco is a kind of .NET content management system. Since its release in 2000 by Niels Hartving, it gains much popularity. A large number of companies and personals, such as Vogue, Microsoft, Costa etc, apply Umbraco into their websites. By 2010, there are 1,000 downloads per day and counting.

More than that, Umbraco is open source with a community, which already has 70,000 registered users and developers. They contribute a lot to make Umbraco easier to use. However, since Umbraco runs on SQL server primarily using ASP.NET and C#, the pricing is not as low as other CMS using MySQL and PHP script. In spite of that, we are find a cheap Umbraco hosting in UK named UKWindowsHostASP.NET for users who have such needs.

About UKWindowsHostASP.NET

UKWindowsHostASP.NET is a fast growing company just serving for .NET users. From the time it was founded, it keeps one core that offering customers affordable and quality. Besides traditional web hosting, UKWindowsHostASP.NET also offer many advanced options like SSD to meet the needs from customers who wants to enjoy a super fast page loading experience.


35% OFF Cheap Umbraco 7.5.11 Hosting in UK

As the industry best cheap Umbraco hosting provider in UK, UKWindowsHostASP.NET hosting solution is much cheaper than other competitors’ ones. Customers just need to pay from £2.99+ 35% OFF with the latest Umbraco. And if customers spend £5.99+ 35% OFF, they will get UKWindowsHostASP.NET popular Advance Umbraco hosting plan, which regularly requires £8.99+ 35% OFF. and £16.99+ 35% OFF. Visit and buy the latest umbraco with UKWindowsHostASP.NET.


In addition, another good aspect to go with UKWindowsHostASP.NET is 30-Day Money Back Guarantee there. When people cancel their accounts within that period, they will absolutely take their money full back.

Rich Features of UKWindowsHostASP.NET Umbraco 7.5.11 Hosting in UK

 UKWindowsHostASP.NET provides the best Umbraco running environment via Windows server 2012 R2, IIS 8.5, SQL server database 2012 or 2014 and Full ASP.NET App Trust. Besides, it supports .NET 1.1/2/3.5SP1/4.5, .NET version switch, ASP.NET MVC 5/4/3/2, Classic ASP and so on. Moreover, customers will receive:

  1. 5 Host Domain
  2. 1 GB Disk Space
  3. 20 GB Bandwidth
  4. 30 Days Money Back Guarantee
  5. Uptime
  6. Full Trust
  7. Control panel to easily manage websites

High Performance of UKWindowsHostASP.NET Umbraco Hosting

UKWindowsHostASP.NET web hosting environment for Umbraco is also great, coming with a world class datacenter and high-end servers, managed by technicians 24 hours a day.

That datacenter is located in London, UK, full of power no matter what happens. Uninterrupted Power Supply system, backup generators and gel battery power banks all support the datacenter. Furthermore, Room Air Conditioning Systems are another supplement for stable Umbraco websites.

Additionally, what UKWindowsHostASP.NET employ to store customers’ data are all Dell servers. As known to all, Dell servers are more expensive because it has higher performance for hosting: faster operation speed, maximum stability and privacy protection. What’s more, automated backup, safety locks as well as 24/7 real human monitoring secure sites all the time.

UKWindowsHostASP.NET Umbraco Support

Umbraco hosting is more complicated than PHP based hosting. So, use-friendly support is essential while UKWindowsHostASP.NET has 24×7 support for customers whenever they come up with questions. What’s more, their customer technicians are well-trained for solving Umbraco questions efficiently and patiently.

Beyond that, online knowledgebase with search functionality and category is easy to use to find solutions. These support resources are informative and frequently up to dated as well.

UKWindowsHostASP.NET is the Cheap Umbraco 7.5.11 Hosting Provider in UK

All in all, UKWindowsHostASP.NET £3.99 + 35% OFF Umbraco hosting is the cheap one in the industry. Most importantly, this Umbraco web hosting is top one as well, along with rich features, excellent performance and use-friendly technical support. Therefore, UKWindowsHostASP.NET is the best cheap Umbraco web hosting provider for people with limited budget.

Please visit to gain more details of UKWindowsHostASP.NET and its Umbraco hosting.

15 % de rabais sur l’hébergement ASP.NET MVC 6 bon marché en Europe

15 % de rabais sur l’hébergement ASP.NET MVC 6 bon marché en Europe | Meilleur et bon marché d’hébergement ASP.NET MVC 6 en Europe. Vous cherchez le meilleur hébergement ASP.NET MVC 6 ou le meilleur hébergement Windows ?

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15 % de rabais sur l’hébergement ASP.NET MVC 6 bon marché en Europe

hflbigsleHostForLIFE a été reconnu comme l’un des meilleurs ASP.NET. Pour les personnes qui ne sont pas satisfaits avec les services, HostForLIFE propose une garantie de remboursement de 30 jours ce qui permet aux clients d’annuler leurs comptes dans les 30 premiers jours et obtenir un remboursement complet. Quand il s’agit du paiement, deux modes de paiement sont disponibles, y compris le CC et PayPal pour s’assurer que chaque client atteint les services d’une manière pratique.

Recommandé : Nous vous conseillons vivement de l’hébergement de votre site web ou une application ASP.NET sur hébergement web. Ce site est également accueilli avec HostForLIFE et nous sommes certains que vous avez sans doute remarqué la vitesse. Vous pouvez également profiter de l’offre de promotion spéciale HostForLIFE et pouvez acheter bon marché d’hébergement ASP.NET (Windows) avec bande passante illimitée.

Pourquoi ces hôtes sont pour un nombre illimité d’hébergement ASP.NET offre

eh bien c’est une question valable. Beaucoup de gens demandent pourquoi fournisseur d’hébergement web offrant un nombre illimité d’hébergement ASP.NET . Tous les hôtes qui offrent l’hébergement web illimité et bon marché pour vous aider à tester votre application sur elle et une fois que vous êtes satisfait, vous pouvez mettre à niveau votre paquet à un niveau supérieur. Une autre veut aider les étudiants afin qu’ils puissent développer et tester leurs applications.

Unlimitations et restrictions de l’hébergement ASP.NET Bon Marché

La plupart des forfaits d’hébergement plans viennent avec très peu d’espace disque et une bande passante limitée. Si vous êtes planification pour héberger votre site web d’entreprise ou un site web élevé du trafic de ces régimes ne sont pas adaptés pour vous , parce que vous pouvez obtenir de domaine, espace disque illimité Bande passante également.


10 raisons d’accueillir avec nos principaux fournisseurs d’hébergement ASP.NET MVC :

  • .NET Hébergement Services testés par
  • Microsoft-Recognized les sociétés d’hébergement .NET
  • .NET Hébergement Solutions primées
  • les dernières technologies d’hébergement .NET
  • .NET le meilleur prix Hébergement
  • Strong Customer Testimonials
  • 24×7 Support téléphonique et par email
  • Garantie de disponibilité de 99,9  % la
  • garantie de dos d’argent

Exigences en matière d’hébergement ASP.NET

hébergement Windows de votre entreprise devrait soutenir les dernières technologies .NET et leurs dernières versions. Assurez-vous que si vous avez besoin d’hébergement ASP.NET Core / 4.6, IIS8, MVC 6, MS SQL 2016 votre hôte les appuyer. Même si vous n’avez pas besoin des versions les plus récentes de vous demander si vous allez les utiliser dans un avenir proche ? Vérifier également les façons dont vous pourriez vous connecter à votre serveur de base de données et site web de faire le déploiement. La plupart des meilleurs hôtes ASP.NET et prennent en charge les dernières technologies innovantes d’hébergement .NET.

Profiter de la puissante, à la demande d’hébergement .NET pour améliorer les performances de votre infrastructure informatique. Plusieurs plans d’ hébergement de site Web sont disponibles, vous avez la possibilité de personnaliser les services en fonction de vos besoins. S’appuyer sur Windows hébergement Web à l’échelle rapidement et déployer des actifs lorsque vous avez besoin d’eux, et de payer pour les ressources que vous utilisez. Le .NET Hébergement de site Web aux clients des performances fiables et de support client, à un prix abordable.

Billig Entity Framework Core 1.1 Hosting mit Große Förderung

Billig Entity Framework Core 1.1 Hosting mit Große Förderung | Beste und billig Entity Framework Core 1.1 Hosting. Jetzt, dass Entity Framework Kern (EF-Core) 1.1 veröffentlicht wird, wird diese freigegeben wird zu Beginn der Arbeit an Bugfixes und neuen Funktionen für die 1.1.

EF Core 1.1 Release ist Fortschritte in Bezug auf die Elemente, die die Blockierung Völker von mit Ef Core sind zu machen.

  • Viele der Bugs in der 1.0-Version berichtet, um zur Stabilität
  • gegen eine Reihe von kritischen o/RM-Funktionen, die derzeit nicht in ef Core

Entity Framework implementiert werden in drei Szenarien nützlich ist zu verbessern. Erstens, wenn Sie bereits bestehende Datenbank oder Sie möchten Ihre Datenbank vor anderen Teilen der Anwendung zu entwerfen. Zweitens: Sie wollen auf ihrer Domain Klassen zu konzentrieren und dann die Datenbank von Ihrer Domain Klassen erstellen. Dritte, möchten Sie Ihr Datenbankschema auf der Visual Designer zu entwerfen und dann die Datenbank und Klassen erstellen.

Finden Sie die Besten und Empfohlene EF Core 1.1 Hosting

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In allen der oben genannten Gründe Was ist die beste Windows Web Hosting für Sie? Die beste und Billig Entity Framework Core 1.1 Host geben Ihnen die Möglichkeit, sich auf ihr Kerngeschäft zu konzentrieren, für bessere Dienstleistungen für Ihre Website Besucher/Kunden, ein besseres Image des Unternehmens zu haben, denn die schnelle und zuverlässige Web Hosting bedeutet, stabile und schwere Website, und sie könnte auch einen Vorteil gegenüber ihren Konkurrenten schaffen. Andernfalls, wenn Sie schlechte Windows Web Hosting Services könnten katastrophal sein für ihr Unternehmen wählen, und sie könnte auch verlieren Zeit und Geld ihre Webseite in einem neuen bewirtenfirma zu bewegen und für neue Hosting Services zahlen.

Es gibt viele Entity Framework hosts, die verschiedene Arten von Dienstleistungen und Technologien bieten, aber für den Kunden unerlässlich ist, um den Wert dieser Hosting Services, was bedeutet, dass die Entity Framework Host sollte alle seine Anforderungen am besten passen!

Jede Windows Host hat Vor- und Nachteile. Einige .NET Gastgeber bieten besser gemeinsam genutzt oder dediziert Web Hosting, andere haben ausgezeichnete Kundenbetreuung oder bessere Preise. Also denken Sie daran, dass, wenn einige Entity Framework Host, um das für Ihre Anforderungen am besten geeignet ist, könnte es nicht sein, für jemand anderen!

Wie haben wir diese Windows Web Hosting Provider wählen?

Wichtig qualifizierenden Faktoren wie beste Entity Framework und Windows Hosting Features, Kundenservice und Zufriedenheit, Preis Formfaktor, Zuverlässigkeit, Verfügbarkeit von Statistiken und technische Unterstützung wurden berücksichtigt. Für Details lesen Sie bitte die Web hosting Review der einzelnen Unternehmen. Überprüfung deckt relevante technische Informationen sowie Preisangaben. Rabatte und Gutscheine, falls verfügbar sind ebenfalls aufgeführt. Bitte beachten Sie unsere Sterne auch sehen. Besser Sterne zeigt an, dass eine bessere Hosting Firma

hflbigsle – Billig Entity Framework Core 1.1 Hosting

Mit mehr als 10 Jahren Web hosting Erfahrung, HostForLIFE bieten qualitativ hochwertige UNBEGRENZT ASP.NET Web Hosting, Windows und Windows Dedicated Server. Sie unterstützen die neuesten .NET als Entity Framework Core 1.1/EF 7, ASP.NET CORE 1.0, 5, 4.5, SQL 2012/2014, Windows 2012 Server. Sie werden auch unbegrenzten Speicherplatz und Bandbreite erhalten. Das ist Qualität, auf die Sie sich verlassen können. Wenn Sie müde sind, verschieben Sie Ihre Website zwischen ASP.NET Hosts. Sie sind die richtige Wahl für Ihr Unternehmen. Sie besitzen eine eigene uk Data Center betreiben. Angebot 24/7 Live Support. Und vieles mehr!

Investieren Sie in zuverlässige Entity Framework Hosting und sparen Sie Geld!



Billig Core ASP.NET 1.0 Hosting in Europa mit 15% Rabatt

Billig Core ASP.NET 1.0 Hosting in Europa mit 15% Rabatt | Beste und billig Core ASP.NET 1.0 Hosting in Europa. Sind Sie auf der Suche nach den besten Kern von ASP.NET 1.0 Hosting oder das Beste Windows Hosting? Ihre beste ASP.NET Core 1.0 Web Hosting Suche ist vorbei! Sparen Sie Zeit und Geld für die besten Windows Hosting Für finden Sie in unserer Top Core ASP.NET 1.0 Hosting Unternehmen mit großen Förderung empfohlene Liste!

Big Deal 15% RABATT billig Core ASP.NET 1.0 Hosting in Europa

hflbigsleHostForLIFE wurde als eine der besten ERKANNT Für Menschen, die mit den Leistungen unzufrieden sind, HostForLIFE bietet eine 30 Tage Geld-zurück-Garantie, so dass die Kunden ihre Konten innerhalb der ersten 30 Tagen zu stornieren und erhalten eine volle Rückerstattung. Wenn es um die Zahlung, zwei Zahlungsmethoden sind verfügbar, einschließlich CC und PayPal, um sicherzustellen, dass jeder Kunde die Dienste auf eine bequeme Weise erreicht.

Empfehlung: Wir empfehlen Ihnen dringend, Ihre Website oder Anwendung auf Web Hosting zu bewirten. Diese Webseite ist auch gehostet mit HostForLIFE und wir sind sicher, müssen Sie die Geschwindigkeit bemerkt haben. Sie können auch die Vorteile der speziellen Hostforlife’s Angebot und können günstige (Windows) Hosting mit unbegrenzte Bandbreite kaufen.

Günstigen Preis für eine Lösung mit hoher Verfügbarkeit
Auf Enterprise-Hardware
24/7/365 Kunden Betreuung und Unterstützung
99,9&Uptime Garantie
Spezielle App Pool
Amsterdam (NL) , London (United Kingdom), Paris (France), Frankfurt (DE) and Seattle (USA) Data Center

Warum diese Hosts bieten ASP.NET Hosting für unbegrenzte

Gut, das ist eine berechtigte Frage. Viele Leute fragen, warum Web Hosting Provider mit unbegrenzten ASP.NET Hosting. Alle Hosts, die billig und Unlimited Web Hosting, um Ihnen zu helfen, Ihre Anwendung auf IT-Test anbieten und wenn Sie zufrieden sind können Sie Ihr Paket auf eine höhere Ebene aktualisieren können. Einige andere will Studenten zu helfen, damit sie ihre Anwendungen entwickeln und testen.

Unlimitations und Einschränkungen der billigen ASP.NET

die meisten Hosting Pakete hosting Pläne kommen mit sehr wenig Speicherplatz und eine begrenzte Bandbreite. Wenn Sie planen, für sie ihr Geschäft Web site oder ein hoher Verkehr Website diese Pläne sind nicht geeignet, weil sie unbegrenzte Anzahl an Domains, Speicherplatz erhalten können auch die Bandbreite.


Top 10 Gründe, mit unseren Top ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting Provider Empfehlung auf Host:

  • .NET Hosting Services von
  • Microsoft-recognized .net Hosting Unternehmen
  • preisgekrönte .NET HOSTING Lösungen
  • Neueste getestet. NET Hosting Technologien
  • Beste .NET Hosting Preise
  • starken Kunden Testimonials
  • 24×7 Telefon- & E-Mail-Support
  • 99,9% Uptime Garantie
  • Geld-zurück-Garantie

ASP.NET Hosting Anforderungen

Windows Hosting Unternehmen die aktuellste unterstützen sollte. NET-Technologien und die aktuellsten Versionen. Stellen Sie sicher, dass, wenn Sie ASP.NET 4.6 hosting Core/benötigen, IIS 8, MVC 6, MS SQL 2016 Ihr Gastgeber unterstützen Sie. Auch wenn Sie nicht die neuesten Versionen fragen Sie sich, wenn Sie sie in der nahen Zukunft verwenden werden? Auch die Art und Weise Sie ihrer Datenbank Server aufbauen konnte und Website Bereitstellung prüfen. Die meisten der besten ASP.NET Hosts unterstützen die neuesten und innovativen .NET hosting Technologien.

Nutzen Sie die leistungsstarken, on-demand .NET Hosting die Leistung Ihrer IT-Infrastruktur zu steigern. Mehrere Web hosting Pläne zur Verfügung stehen, so dass Sie die nötige Flexibilität, um die Services je nach Ihren Bedürfnissen anpassen. Verlassen Sie sich auf Windows Web Hosting schnell zu skalieren und die Bereitstellung von IT-Ressourcen, wenn Sie sie benötigen, und zahlen für die Ressourcen, die Sie nutzen. Die .NET Web Hosting erhalten Kunden eine zuverlässige Leistung und Kundendienst zu einem erschwinglichen Preis.

Improve the performances of ASP.NET MVC web applications

Improve the performances of ASP.NET MVC web applications | Best and cheap ASP.NET MVC hosting. It is an in depth analysis of a Digg-like site and how it went from serving (on a test machine) 6 req/sec to 390 req/sec.

The biggest gain, 74 req/sec to 390 req/sec happened when he introduced data caching and another 25 req/sec where gained when he introduced the compilation of LINQ queries.

Data caching is always the key

Splitting the gains among the various components:

  • 29 req/sec optimizing the usage of ASP.NET MVC
  • 14 req/sec caching route resolution
  • 340 req/sec caching the data access layer

This proves that, no matter what you do to optimize your code, the biggest performance hit is data retrieval, and the first thing you have to optimize is always this.

Can ASP.NET MVC be still optimized a bit?

But apart from this obvious outcome, I just want to take out from this presentation the 3 point that are really specific to ASP.NET MVC.

Route resolution

9 request per second are gained optimizing the route resolution. There are a lot of ways to do route resolution (aka creating a link given the action/controller you want to link to), but they can be summarized with these 3:

  • expression tree-based ActionLink
  • string-based ActionLink
  • RouteLink specifying the RouteName
  • (there is also the 4th one, the hard-coded one, but I’d rather not take this into account)

From the presentation it comes out that the first way, the expression tree one, 30 times slower than the string-based version, which takes twice the time of specifying directly the RouteName.

So, not only the expression tree-based ActionLink is “deprecated” as it doesn’t work for action whose name has been changed through the ActionName attribute, but it’s also slower. We are talking about 1.95 ms versus 0.06 ms, and this can be considered as premature optimization, but if your views have hundreds of these expression tree-based link, this can become a performance problem.

Caching Route Resolution

Routes are resolved lots of time during the application lifetime, so caching them could be a nice solution: in the performance test Rudi said that this made him gain 15 req/sec. Again, not a big gain, but since implementing that king of route resolution caching should not be a difficult task, probably it can be worth writing a small UrlHelper that caches the routes already resolved. Actually, this could be something Microsoft could add to routing engine itself.

Optimize the usage of PartialViews

In the benchmark application, the code does a loop over a list of items, and for each item it calls a RenderPartial to display the detail of each item of the list. In his benchmark the same partial was called 41 times per request.

So he decided to place the for-each loop inside the Partial View, and so have kind of the same encapsulation of markup, but gaining another 10 req/sec. This way you cannot see at a first glace that there is for-loop going on inside the partial, so probably a better solution could have been an Html Helper. Or something that the pre-compiler could have done was to “inline” the loop.

With this I don’t to say that you have to inline everything, but just remember that every RenderPartial you call has a performance hit.

Path to PartialViews

Finally he said he gained another 10 req/sec optimizing the way the path to the partial views is specified. You can either specify the view path as only its name (and so the view engine will go and look for it in the current folder or in the shared folder) or you can specify the full path. But if I’m not wrong, the resolution of the real path given the name of the view is cached, so the gain is only achieved in the really first call to the method, and would have probably been averaged out if the benchmark was run for a longer time.

Key takeaways

What do we have to learn from this performance analysis?

First and foremost, that data caching is the easiest and most effective way to improve the performances of your applications: without this, every other optimization is a “micro-optimization”.

If then we really want to get some other rules to apply to ASP.NET MVC applications here they are:

  1. Consider using the RouteName to organize your routes and then use it to generate your links.
  2. Consider implementing a route resolution caching strategy (and waiting for MS to include something similar in a future version of System.Web.Routing)
  3. Use your common sense when you put RenderPartials on your views page: if you end up calling the same partial 300 times in the same view, probably there is something wrong with that.

But, again, before fine-tuning these aspects of ASP.NET MVC, remember that your data access has to be cached in some way. If you don’t do to that, everything else is just a waste of time.

What are your ideas on this? Do you think that there are other ways of optimizing ASP.NET MVC that are not micro-optimizations?

Claim Now Best Drupal 8.2.7 Hosting in Europe with 15% OFF

Claim Now Best Drupal 8.2.7 Hosting in Europe with 15% OFF | Best and cheap Drupal 8.2.7 hosting. Drupal is the #1 platform for web content management among global enterprises, governments, higher education institutions, and NGOs. Flexible and highly scalable, Drupal publishes a single web site or shares content in multiple languages across many devices. Technology and business leaders transform content management into powerful digital solutions with Drupal.Backed by one of the world’s most innovative open source communities.

Advantages of Drupal

  • Open Source – In Drupal, core software, contributed modules, and a large number of themes are free, which help businesspersons reduce web development cost significantly.
  • Customizable – In terms of features, operation, layout, and design, Drupal is highly customizable, which provides loads of choice to developers and designers for addressing clients’ requirements.
  • SEO-Friendly – As SEO plays a vital role in any company’s online marketing strategies, Drupal enables companies to come forward with SEO-friendly websites. It has enormous flexibility to display content in a way that search engines like.
  • Facilitates Rapid Deployment/Price – Drupal enables companies to deploy core features and functionality rapidly. As a true ‘Web 2.0’ style, developers can make customizations after deployment of a Drupal site. Companies can go for customizations as per feedback and business requirements after making their sites live on the web.
  • Mobile-Ready – Increasing spread of smart devices opens the doors for new marketing platform for the companies. Smart devices’ users can also view the Drupal website the same as that of the desktop users. Small businesses can rely on this feature in order to generate more leads.
  • Extensive API Support – Facebook, Twitter, Google Apps, Google Analytics, YouTube, etc. provide an extensive API support for Drupal. Developers can create own custom modules by using such well-documented API.
  • Enterprise-Class Software – In terms of scalability, flexibility, reliability, manageability, security, interoperability, and availability of resources; Drupal is an enterprise-class CMS. Developers can readily integrate it with other applications like SAP, phpBB, etc.

Claim Now Best Drupal 8.2.7 Hosting in Europe with 15% OFF


HostForLIFE has been recognized as one of the best Drupal 8.2.7 For people who are unsatisfied with the services, HostForLIFE offers a 30 day money back guarantee allowing the clients to cancel their accounts within the first 30 days and getting a full refund. When it comes to the payment, two payment methods are available including CC and PayPal to ensure that every client reaches the services in a convenient way.

Recommended: We highly recommend you to host your ASP.NET website or application on web hosting. This website is also hosted with HostForLIFE and we’re sure you must have noticed the speed. You can also take advantage of HostForLIFE’s special promotion offer and can buy cheap ASP.NET (Windows) Hosting with Unlimited Bandwidth.

Affordable price for a High availability solution
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Why these hosts are offering Drupal 8.2.7 Hosting for Unlimited

Well this is a valid question. Many people ask why web hosting provider offering unlimited Drupal 8.2.7 hosting . All the hosts which offer cheap and unlimited web hosting to help you test your application on it and once you’re satisfied you can upgrade your package to a higher level. Some other wants to help students, so that they can develop & test their applications.

Unlimitations and Restrictions of the Cheap Drupal 8.2.7 hosting

Most of the hosting packages plans come with very little disc space & a limited bandwidth. If you’re planning to host your business website or a high traffic website these plans are not suitable for you , because you can get UNLIMITED domain, disc space also bandwidth.


Reasons to host with HostForLIFE Drupal 8.2.7 Hosting recommendation :

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15% OFF Cheap Umbraco 7.5.11 Hosting in UK

15% OFF Cheap Umbraco 7.5.11 Hosting in UK | Best and cheap Umbraco 7.5.11 hosting in UK. Umbraco 7.5.11 released, this release bug fixing on the 7.5.9 release.

Release notes

Umbraco 7.5, the “System management update”

  • 301 redirect management
  • Health check dashboard
  • Password recovery for backoffice
  • Packages installer UI update / packages can target a minimum Umbraco version

What’s Umbraco

Umbraco is a fully-featured open source content management system with the flexibility to run anything from small campaign or brochure sites right through to complex applications for Fortune 500’s and some of the largest media sites in the world. Umbraco is easy to learn and use, making it perfect for web designers, developers and content creators alike.

You can be up and running in just a few minutes with our simple installer. Either apply one of the included starter kits or seamlessly integrate your own design.

Umbraco is strongly supported by both an active and welcoming community of users around the world, and backed up by a rock-solid commercial organization providing professional support and tools. Umbraco can be used in its free, open-source format with the additional option of professional tools and support if required.

BIG SALE Cheap Umbraco 7.5.11 Hosting in UK

Umbraco is a kind of .NET content management system. Since its release in 2000 by Niels Hartving, it gains much popularity. A large number of companies and personals, such as Vogue, Microsoft, Costa etc, apply Umbraco into their websites. By 2010, there are 1,000 downloads per day and counting.

More than that, Umbraco is open source with a community, which already has 70,000 registered users and developers. They contribute a lot to make Umbraco easier to use. However, since Umbraco runs on SQL server primarily using ASP.NET and C#, the pricing is not as low as other CMS using MySQL and PHP script. In spite of that, we are find a cheap Umbraco hosting in UK named UKWindowsHostASP.NET for users who have such needs.

About UKWindowsHostASP.NET

UKWindowsHostASP.NET is a fast growing company just serving for .NET users. From the time it was founded, it keeps one core that offering customers affordable and quality. Besides traditional web hosting, UKWindowsHostASP.NET also offer many advanced options like SSD to meet the needs from customers who wants to enjoy a super fast page loading experience.


15% OFF Cheap Umbraco 7.5.11 Hosting in UK

As the industry best cheap Umbraco hosting provider in UK, UKWindowsHostASP.NET hosting solution is much cheaper than other competitors’ ones. Customers just need to pay from £3.99+ 15% OFF with the latest Umbraco. And if customers spend £6.99+ 15% OFF, they will get UKWindowsHostASP.NET popular Advance Umbraco hosting plan, which regularly requires £11.99+ 15% OFF. and £19.99+ 15% OFF. Visit and buy the latest umbraco with UKWindowsHostASP.NET.



In addition, another good aspect to go with UKWindowsHostASP.NET is 30-Day Money Back Guarantee there. When people cancel their accounts within that period, they will absolutely take their money full back.

Rich Features of UKWindowsHostASP.NET Umbraco 7.5.11 Hosting in UK

 UKWindowsHostASP.NET provides the best Umbraco running environment via Windows server 2012 R2, IIS 8.5, SQL server database 2012 or 2014 and Full ASP.NET App Trust. Besides, it supports .NET 1.1/2/3.5SP1/4.5, .NET version switch, ASP.NET MVC 5/4/3/2, Classic ASP and so on. Moreover, customers will receive:

  1. 5 Host Domain
  2. 1 GB Disk Space
  3. 20 GB Bandwidth
  4. 30 Days Money Back Guarantee
  5. Uptime
  6. Full Trust
  7. Control panel to easily manage websites

High Performance of UKWindowsHostASP.NET Umbraco Hosting

UKWindowsHostASP.NET web hosting environment for Umbraco is also great, coming with a world class datacenter and high-end servers, managed by technicians 24 hours a day.

That datacenter is located in London, UK, full of power no matter what happens. Uninterrupted Power Supply system, backup generators and gel battery power banks all support the datacenter. Furthermore, Room Air Conditioning Systems are another supplement for stable Umbraco websites.

Additionally, what UKWindowsHostASP.NET employ to store customers’ data are all Dell servers. As known to all, Dell servers are more expensive because it has higher performance for hosting: faster operation speed, maximum stability and privacy protection. What’s more, automated backup, safety locks as well as 24/7 real human monitoring secure sites all the time.

UKWindowsHostASP.NET Umbraco Support

Umbraco hosting is more complicated than PHP based hosting. So, use-friendly support is essential while UKWindowsHostASP.NET has 24×7 support for customers whenever they come up with questions. What’s more, their customer technicians are well-trained for solving Umbraco questions efficiently and patiently.

Beyond that, online knowledgebase with search functionality and category is easy to use to find solutions. These support resources are informative and frequently up to dated as well.

UKWindowsHostASP.NET is the Cheap Umbraco 7.5.11 Hosting Provider in UK

All in all, UKWindowsHostASP.NET £3.99+ 15% OFF Umbraco hosting is the cheap one in the industry. Most importantly, this Umbraco web hosting is top one as well, along with rich features, excellent performance and use-friendly technical support. Therefore, UKWindowsHostASP.NET is the best cheap Umbraco web hosting provider for people with limited budget.

Please visit to gain more details of UKWindowsHostASP.NET and its Umbraco hosting.

Big Deal 15% OFF Cheap ASP.NET MVC 6 Hosting in Europe

Big Deal 15% OFF Cheap ASP.NET MVC 6 Hosting in Europe | Best and cheap ASP.NET MVC 6 Hosting in europe. Are you looking for the Best ASP.NET MVC 6 Hosting or the Best Windows Hosting?

Your Best ASP.NET MVC Web Hosting search is over!

SAVE MONEY and TIME to find the best Windows Hosting for you in our Top ASP.NET MVC 6 Hosting companies with Big Promotion recommended list!

Big Deal 15% OFF Cheap ASP.NET MVC 6 Hosting in Europe


HostForLIFE has been recognized as one of the best ASP.NET. For people who are unsatisfied with the services, HostForLIFE offers a 30 day money back guarantee allowing the clients to cancel their accounts within the first 30 days and getting a full refund. When it comes to the payment, two payment methods are available including CC and PayPal to ensure that every client reaches the services in a convenient way.

Recommended: We highly recommend you to host your ASP.NET website or application on web hosting. This website is also hosted with HostForLIFE and we’re sure you must have noticed the speed. You can also take advantage of HostForLIFE’s special promotion offer and can buy cheap ASP.NET (Windows) Hosting with Unlimited Bandwidth.

Affordable price for a High availability solution
Built on enterprise-grade hardware
24/7/365 Customer Care & Support
99.9& Uptime Guarantee
Dedicated App Pool
Amsterdam (NL) , London (United Kingdom), Paris (France), Frankfurt (DE) and Seattle (USA) Data Center

Why these hosts are offering ASP.NET Hosting for Unlimited

Well this is a valid question. Many people ask why web hosting provider offering unlimited ASP.NET hosting . All the hosts which offer cheap and unlimited web hosting to help you test your application on it and once you’re satisfied you can upgrade your package to a higher level. Some other wants to help students, so that they can develop & test their applications.

Unlimitations and Restrictions of the Cheap ASP.NET hosting

Most of the hosting packages plans come with very little disc space & a limited bandwidth. If you’re planning to host your business website or a high traffic website these plans are not suitable for you , because you can get UNLIMITED domain, disc space also bandwidth.


Top 10 reasons to host with our Top ASP.NET MVC Hosting providers recommendation :

  • .NET Hosting Services tested by
  • Microsoft-Recognized .NET Hosting Companies
  • Award-Winning .NET Hosting Solutions
  • Latest .NET Hosting technologies
  • The best .NET Hosting Prices
  • Strong Customer Testimonials
  • 24×7 Phone & Email Support
  • 99.9+% Uptime Guarantee
  • Money Back Guarantee

ASP.NET Hosting Requirements

Your Windows hosting company should support the latest .NET technologies and their most recent versions. Make sure that if you need ASP.NET Core / 4.6 hosting, IIS8, MVC 6, MS SQL 2016 your host support them. Even if you do not need the most recent versions ask yourself if you will use them in the near future? Also check the ways you could connect to your database server and make web site deployment. Most of the best ASP.NET Hosts support the latest and innovative .NET hosting technologies.

Take advantage of the powerful, on-demand .NET hosting to boost the performance of your IT infrastructure. Multiple Web hosting plans are available so you have the flexibility to customize services based upon your needs. Rely on Windows Web hosting to quickly scale and deploy IT assets when you need them, and paying for the resources you use. The .NET Web hosting customers receive reliable performance and customer support, at affordable price.

Cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting Discount 15% OFF

Cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting Discount 15% OFF | Best and cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting. ASPHostPortal is one of the best ASP.NET hosting service provider in the industry today. Their web hosting provides a rare combination of reliability, quality and affordability. With ASPHostPortal discount below, new customers could receive 15% off on its ASP.NET hosting plans.

ASPHostPortal Discount Introduction

To claim for this ASPHostPortal discount, all new customers need to click this link when subscribing to their service. All of them could receive  15% off if they sign up to 5 years at least.


Why Choose ASPHostPortal ?

ASPHostPortal offers Linux and windows Web Hosting with very low price.  They also offer free automated installation of blogs, Forums, CMS, shopping carts and a free domain Name for life when you sign up ASPHostportal has excellent Tech support & Customer & offer 24/7/365  support, & email ticketing support.

For the past month they have consistently held a 100% uptime which is fantastic.  In fact, ASPHostPortal is so confident they’re able to keeping these promises that they offer a 30-day money back guarantee, this is another reason to choose the ASPHostPortal discount.

To claim for ASPHostportal discount please visit is Microsoft No #1 Recommended Windows and ASP.NET Spotlight Hosting Partner in United States. Microsoft presents this award to for the ability to support the latest Microsoft and ASP.NET technology, such as: WebMatrix, WebDeploy, Visual Studio 2015, .NET 5/ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET MVC 6.0/5.2, Silverlight 6 and Visual Studio Lightswitch. Click here for more information

Unique ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting Performance

  1. Build Your Website Use’s website building tools to get that special, customized look for your website. A nifty wizard will walk you through the process.
  2. All-inclusive prices unbeatable value Other companies promise cheap hosting, but then charge extra for setup fees, higher renewal rates, or promotional services. With, the listed price is the number you’ll pay, and you can expect a fully loaded, comprehensive suite of web services.
  3. Fast and Secure ServerASPHostPortal powerfull servers are especially optimized and ensure the best ASP.NET Core 1.0 performance. We have best data centers on three continent and unique account isolation for security.
  4. Easy to Use and Manage webspace explorer lets you manage your website files with a browser. A control panel lets you set up and control your server functions with ease.
Big Discount ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting 15% OFF Sale

Big Discount ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting 15% OFF Sale | Best and cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 hosting. we had come out a list of the best ASP.NET hosting, which are rated independently based on the ASP.NET frameworks, Microsoft control libraries, databases, Microsoft technical support, and web hosting price.

To choose the best ASP.NET hosting for your ASP.NET websites, we recommend you going with the best ASP.NET hosting as following. You won’t go wrong with them that all of the best ASP.NET hosting services have been truly tested by our ASP.NET developers.

Rating5.0 of 55.0 of 54.0 of 54.0 of 5
Customer301 votes186 votes75 votes100 votes
Regular $4.49/mo €5.50/Mo$7.10/mo£5.99/mo
OS2016 R22014 R22012 R22012 R2
Control PanelPleskPleskPleskPlesk
Free DomainNoNoNoNo
Hosting SitesUnlimitedUnlimited
Bandwidth60 GBUnlimited50 GB50 GB
Disk Space5 GBUnlimited10 GB5 GB
Shared SSLYesYesYesYes
.NET Frameworks2.0/3.5SP1/4.5/5/core2.0/3.5SP1/4.0/4.5/5/core2.0/3.5SP1/4.5/5/core2.0/3.5SP1/4.5/5/core
ASP.NET MVC2/3/4/5/61/2/3/4/5/62/3/4/5/62/3/4/5/6
SQL Server2016201620162016
Remote IISYesYesNoYes
Trust LevelFullFullFullFull
Dedicated App PoolYesYesYesYes
Schedule JobsYesYesYesYes
Service LevelProfessionalProfessionalProfessionalProfessional
24×7 SupportYesYesYesYes
Full trustYesYesYesYes

The Best ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting in 2017

ASPHostPortal is a web hosting provider known for its professional ASP.NET hosting plans which are able to meet the demands of nearly all-sized businesses. Over the past 10 years since its reception, ASPHostportal has gained respect from both the developer and business communities.

The ASPHostportal ASP.NET hosting packages all comes with ASP.NET v2/v3.5/v4.6, ASP.NET core 1.0 and supports most versions of the frameworks including MVC, LINQ, AJAX and Silverlight. Also, they allow Full Trust to make sure that ASP.NET websites can run perfectly without the bother of the codes that cannot run. Right now, using this exclusive coupon link for checking out, the Baisc hosting plan is $3.81/mo only, 15% off $4.49/mo you get originally.

The customers’ hosting experience is guaranteed by ASPHostportal excellent technical support team which is very helpful, knowledgeable and responsive to phone calls, emails and live chat. In addition, they offer every account with 30 days full money back and anytime post-rate money back guarantee. That makes customers’ ASP.NET hosting risk-free.

ASPHostPortal Statistik Review


To learn more about ASPHostPortal, visit

Why They’re the Best ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting

The following 5 checkpoints are main criterias on rating ASP.NET web hosting besides the consideration on the generic Windows web hosting features.

  1. Windows OS: the latest version of Windows OS is the key point of a quality ASP.NET hosting solution. And now, the best choices are Windows Server 2012R2, Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2008R2. In fact, all the recommended hosting companies support the mentioned Windows operating systems.
  2. ASP.NET Frameworks: as ASP.NET websites have to run in the corresponding .NET framework, it’s better that the web host can support most of frameworks from v1.1 to v4.0. In this case that you can have maximum flexibility for you websites and keep the possibility upgrading to the higher version.
  3. ASP.NET Trust Level: it’s configured for each website by .net infrastructure. you should know the exact configuration before the payment. in our research, 70% websites can be run only under the fully trust level. if your hosting company doesn’t tell that they support fully trust, you should be careful that your website may not run correctly in the host finally. surely, you can ask for money back but it’s time wasting.
  4. RAM: this is the maximum memory in the server that can be used for your site, which is configured in IIS application pool. Only sufficient RAM allocation can bring the website a reliable hosting condition.
  5. MSSQL Edition: MSSQL makes a big difference to store all data from the website, which is a Windows based database. Note that, the latest version of MSSQL is the SQL Server 2012.
  6. Control Panel: Plesk is the best reliable control panel for web hostingl and easy-to-use.
  7. Add-on Features: the installation required third party libraries are important when your website depends on then. E.G. Chat controls library, Altas library and more.
  8. knowledge of Microsoft technology support: you can easily call the technical support of the web host and ask some technical questions about ASP.NET website configuration and deployment. This is certainly important especially when you have a problem in the future.