How To Setting Up VS 2015 for ASP.NET Core RTM 1.0 and Angular 2 Final/RTM ?

How To Setting Up VS 2015 for ASP.NET Core RTM 1.0 and Angular 2 Final/RTM ? | Best and cheap ASP.NET Core RTM 1.0 hosting. In this post I will explain how to setup Visual Studio 2015 in order to develop an Angular 2 RC3 application hosted inside ASP.NET Core project.  I of course read the quick start first.  You need to make sure to install VS 2015, you can use Community edition of you want.  You would also need to install ASP.NET Core.

Let’s get started.  Create new ASP.NET Core project.

Select empty template to keep everything simple for getting started demo.


Let’s add static files support to serve a plain vanilla HTML page.  Open project.json file and add the static files line from below.

I also added support for DotNet.Watcher tools which make it easier to make changes to C# code and have the process automatically compile and restart as needed.

Now we can add a page which will host our Angular app.  Again, add just a plain HTML page under wwwroot folder, since that is the root of our deployable Core application.  You can just right click on that folder, add new item, then pick HTML page template.  I am calling mine index.html.  In order to see this page we need to turn off preloaded startup code and replace it with static files server.  Open up Startup.cs file and replace Configure method with the following.

Now we can test the host page.  Open up VS command prompt and navigate to the project folder (NOT solution folder).  Type “dotnet  watch run”.  Your app will compile and Kestrel web server with start.  Open browser and navigate to http://localhost:5000/index.html.  You will see the host page.  To make sure edit the index.html page and add some content to it.  It is time to start up Angular 2 portion.  I like adding NPM support to the project from command line.  From the same command prompt type “npm init” to initialize NPM file.  Follow the prompts, giving some meaningful answers.  Once this is done, switch to visual studio.  You will see that dependencies node in project explorer with have npm listed.  Right click on that node and select open package.json. We need to add all Angular 2 scripts and dependencies by adding dependencies and devDependencies nodes as shown below.

All packages that start with @angular are angular core packages.  This is different from beta versions, which only had a single package.  Other packages are supporting packages for angular 2.  In order to proving TypeScript support, we will use typings NPM module, which is under devDependencies.  Give VS a minute to restore the packages after saving package.json file.  If you get an error, just type “npm install” at the command prompt.

Now we need to install code JavaScript typings files for TypeScript.  At the same prompt type “typings install  –global –save dt~core-js”.  Once completed, you will see typings folder in project explorer, with core-js folder under it.

In the next step we will setup compilation options for TypeScript.  Add new item to the root of your project, selecting TypeScript Configuration File item template.  Change the content to look as follows.

We are adding decorator options, which are required for Angular 2.  We are setting module to use systemjs, which is the default for all the demos I have seen.

Now I am going to setup gulp to make my development flow a bit smoother.  If you do not have gulp installed globally, type “npm install gulp”  at the command prompt.  After that you can add new item to the root of the project, selecting Gulp Configuration File item template.  Open gulpfile.js and replace the content with the following.

What is going on here?  Third party task copies necessary Angular 2 scripts from node_modules folder to the same folder under wwwroot.  Copy task copies our own application files, which will be placed under app folder under project root to wwwroot folder as well.  Finally, watch task will monitor the changes to app folder and re-copy the files wwwroot folder by firing copy task.  By default we will run all three tasks when we run gulp every time.

Time to write application code.  Create new folder called “app” under project root.    Now we need to create root component.  We will add app.ts file with the following code.

We created a new class called App.  It is decorated with a component attribute.  We specify the selector or tag that will be replaced with our component.  We also specify the HTML that will be injected and bound to the component.  The component just has a property and a method to test data binding.

Now we need to create a starting module.  Let’s call the file appModule.ts

This class actually does not have any executable code, just a decorator that defines our root module.  It imports compile module, BrowserModule, necessary for compiling and bootstrapping Angular code in browser.  it contains our single App component that we both declare and bootsrtap, setting it as entry point into the application.

Finally, add new item to shell folder, picking TypeScript file template.  Change the name to main.  This will be our bootstrapping code for Angular 2 application.

Now we need to configure systemjs module loader.  Create new JavaScript file called system.config.js under wwwroot folder.  This is the only file we will add there.  We could also add it under app folder if we wanted to.  Here it its content.

We are specifying our app folder as a package for system js.  We are also adding core angular packages, including rxjs, reactive extensions.  We are configuring systemjs by calling config method and passing our packages map.  Finally we are starting app package.  Previously in the same file we specified that the entry point for it is main.js.

It is time to edit our index.chtml page and add the necessary scripts.  We will start by creating views folder with some stock files.  I am adding _ViewStart.cshtml under Views.

This code just sets up default layout page for all our views.  Now we just need default view.  I am going to create home folder and single view under it Index.cshtml.  Its content is very simple.

It just contains the tag for our root component.  Now the import part of adding out layout page, _Layout.cshtml under Views/Shared folder.  It just contains all the necessary libraries.

It also setups up configuration object, which we do not technically need in this sample app, but it is a good illustration on how to inject server side configuration into client side JavaScript.  We are keeping node_modules and third party libraries folder, but to be sure, we are not using entire folder, we just compy necessary stuff via gulp (see above).

Time to create C# controller under Controllers folder.  We will call it HomeController.

You can now build the project in the Visual Studio just in case.  Then switch to command prompt, navigate to the folder where our project is (NOT solution).  Just make sure you see project.json file.  Now we need to run gulp to copy files around.  Type “gulp” and let the process finish.  Now open second prompt, nvaigate to the same folder and type “dotnet watch run”.  This will compile if necessary, start runtime process and watch for any changes.  Let this finish as well.  Make sure you see something like the following:

Final step.   Open browser and navigate to the URL above.  You should see the following.


Feel free to click on a button to make sure the method in your App component got bound properly as well.  Also feel free to make changes to the App component and refresh the page to see them.

In this post we achieved a lot.  We setup new .Net Core project, created default controller and cshtml page, setup Angular 2 minimal application, setup watcher for .NET and TypeScript code to make changes without manual compilation and ran our project.  Quite a bit of work.

How To Create Help Desk Web Application using ASP.NET Core 1.0 ?

How To Create Help Desk Web Application using ASP.NET Core 1.0 ? | Best and cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 hosting. Suppose you work for a small to midsize company that employs 50-100 workers. The Help Desk — a subsidiary of the Information Services Division — is in charge of trouble tickets regarding general PC issues such as email, viruses, network issues, etc. Initially, the Help Desk team stored this information in Excel spreadsheets, but as the company has grown, managing these spreadsheets has become tedious and time consuming.


The Help Desk has asked you to devise a more efficient solution that could be developed internally, saving the company money. As you start to think about it, the following requirements are apparent: fields for the submitter’s first and last name, as well as their email address. You’ll also need combo boxes for indicating ticket severity (low, medium, high), department, status (new, open, resolved), employee working on the issue, as well as an area for comments. Of all the solutions available, creating an internal help desk Web application with ASP.NET is relatively simple.

In the following article, we’ll see how to implement these features in an ASP.NET help desk Web application using a database-driven approach,

Creating the JavaScript File

Because creating the JavaScript file is the easiest of the work left, we’ll do this next. From the Solution Explorer, follow these steps:

Creating the Help Desk Class

Now that we have our data coming in, we need to be able to record a help desk ticket submission. We need to create an event handler in a class to handle it. Let’s first create a help desk class by doing the following:

  •     Right click the project solution.
  •     Choose Add>New Item.
  •     In the Add New Item window, select Class.cs.
  •     In the name text field, type “HelpDesk” and then click Add.

Double click HelpDesk.cs from the Solution Explorer, which will show the empty class as shown below:

We need to import three libraries as shown below:

The first library (System.Data) allows us to work with stored procedures in ADO.NET, the second (System.Configuration) allows us to reference a connection key from configuration file and the last (System.Data.SqlClient) one allows us to connect to SQL Server.

Reason Why you should switch to .NET Core

Reason Why you should switch to .NET Core | Best and cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 hosting. In this post I will explains the reason why you should switch to .NET core. As the new framework is not a successor to the widely used .NET Framework, but rather a complete re-write, considering a move to the .net core should not be rushed. The workshop offered us a chance to get to know all the details first hand from its developers.

During the workshop, we learned about the inner workings of .NET Core by working through small assignments and by diving into the source code of the framework itself. To share some of our takeaways, we’ve composed a list of the top reasons to switch:


<strong>Multi-platform hosting</strong>

.NET Core 1.0 is multi-platform. You can now host your .NET applications not only on Windows but also on OSX and Linux.

<strong>Less framwork, more speed</strong>

The entire framework is split up into NuGet packages. You won’t get the whole framework by default, you have to specify the components you want to use in the project.json file. The absence of all the framework stuff you don’t need makes your project incredibly fast!

<strong>One framework</strong>

MVC and WebAPI functionality is now combined into one framework. This is great if your application needs both and it removes some inconsistencies in the programming api’s.

<strong>Improved structure</strong>

The project structure has changed. There is no App_start, App_Data, package.json and Global.asax anymore. The Global.asax file is replaced by the Startup.cs file and the package.json by the project.json. The appsettings which formerly existed in the web.config are moved to the appsettings.json file.

<strong>Build-in support for Dependency Injection</strong>

The framework has built-in support for Dependency Injection, which is quite convenient. But no worries, you can still use your favorite DI container like AutoFac or Unity if you want.

<strong>Tag helpers</strong>

Introduction of tag helpers. The former HTML helpers like Html.BeginForm are removed and replaced by attributes on html elements. As the new tag helpers are much easier to read, understand and work with, it will definitely improve your cooperation with your frontender.

Should you use it?

Although .NET Core is cool, fast and runs on multiple platforms it is not as mature as the ASP.NET 4.6 platform. I don’t think we should switch all our projects to .NET Core 1.0 immediately. Besides the fact that it would be an enormous amount of work I don’t think this framework is the right choice for every project.

For our new projects we will consider .NET Core carefully before we start programming. Migration of existing projects will occur in case the project would benefit from a migration.

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What is ASP.NET Hosting?

It is easier to understand ASP.NET once you know what the .NET Framework is. .NET is a software framework developed by Microsoft that has a large library of built-in code, supports numerous compiled languages, and allows for interoperability between all languages it supports. As it is based on the .NET framework, ASP.NET comes with many features to assist you in creating dynamic websites and applications.

Created in 2002, ASP.NET is similar to ASP, but includes all of the advantages inherent to the .NET Framework. Developers can compile code in their choice of programming language, and use libraries interchangeably between web-based and desktop-based applications. Usually, pages are created as ‘web forms’, using a programming language such as C# or

Millions of websites currently run on ASP.NET. With a specialized ASP.NET Hosting provider, you will get a ready-made framework including many useful features and tools for your website. Furthermore, ASP.NET Hosting on Windows servers is now almost as cheap as Linux Hosting plans, which have traditionally been the cheaper option.

What can ASP.NET do?


ASP.NET websites and applications are hosted on a Windows Server, typically paired with an MS SQL database, and managed via tools such as Visual Studio. These tools are available in multiple flavors, catering for personal and professional use, and make it easy for you to test features before sending anything to your live servers.

Most professional developers enjoy the more advanced features of Visual Studio 2015, with its excellent integration in the Application Lifecycle Management collection. Using tools such as these, you can easily create local virtual development environments that synchronize with your live environment.

There is an alternative to Visual Studio, called Mono, which provides an open source .NET framework that works across multiple platforms. Although it lacks the depth of features and level of integration synonymous with Visual Studio, it is becoming increasingly popular due to being free to use.

Boost Website Performance with ASP.NET

There are multiple things you can do to speed up ASP.NET page load times, including the use of caching systems such as MemCacheD or optimization tools for minifying file sizes.

One major way ASP.NET improves performance is by automatically compiling server-side code into several DLL files – this compilation is done only once, at the moment the web page is first requested. For the ASP.NET developer, this activity means that server-side code is only loaded at the moment it’s needed.

If not using pre-compiled code, there will be a slight delay in performance the very first time the page is requested, but after that, the compiled code is sitting on the server and ready to go. Development is simplified by removing at least one less step per page for the developer to take when moving a website to production.

What Websites Use ASP.NET?

On the ASP.NET website, Microsoft have provided a list of websites which currently use ASP.NET – here are a few of them:

  • StackOverflow
  • Getty Images
  • The British Museum

ASP.NET Web Hosting Solutions

When selecting your ASP.NET Hosting provider, check that their support matches the specific version of ASP.NET that you are using to build your website or application. If you are starting a new project, you should probably opt for the latest technology, while migration of an existing website or application would most likely require the same software versions as the previous environment.

Don’t forget that in order to host an ASP.NET site your hosting provider needs to be using Windows Server OS. The ASP.NET Hosting providers in our toplist keep their server environments up to date with the latest technology from Microsoft. They also let you connect your tools with the server, for a faster workflow aided by integrated code and data management, while also offering comprehensive support and flexibility to adapt to your needs.

Is ASP.NET right for me?

Bear in mind that although ASP.NET itself is open-source, the tools and frameworks you will need to complement it are not. If you enjoy the freedom that comes with using open-source software throughout, and/or prefer using Linux, then we recommend you take a look at PHP Hosting or Linux Hosting options.

However, for the peace of mind that comes from the consistent reliability a support of and genuine certified Microsoft product, ASP.NET is the way to go.


Cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting Tutorial – ASP.NET Windows Hosting for .NET Developers

Cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting Tutorial – ASP.NET Windows Hosting for .NET Developers | Best and cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 hosting. In this post I will explains about ASP.NET, and why ASP.NET is the best hosting for us.

What is ASP.Net Web Hosting?

ASP.NET web hosting is basically a hosting solution to run websites that are developed by the Microsoft ASP.NET technology and databases. Although Mono provides the capability to host ASP.NET applications on Apache web servers in Linux, it is not recommended as ASP.NET is technically based on Windows server platforms. This is because when you run websites on Microsoft platforms or using Microsoft technology, the reliability and performance are guaranteed.


ASP.NET helps in creating Web applications with relative ease and with fairly less coding. ASP.NET is a group of technologies based in the Microsoft .NET Framework to build XML Web services and Web applications. But there is more to ASP.NET than just that. ASP.NET pages perform on the server and create markup such as HTML, XML, or WML which is then sent to a browser. Unlike traditional ASP that only supports interpreted JScript and VBScript, ASP.NET can support many .NET languages (this includes built-in support for C#, JScript.Net, and VB.NET). This provides greater flexibility in choosing languages. To choose the best ASP.NET hosting look for these 5 features based on the ASP.NET:

  • Frameworks
  • Databases
  • Microsoft control libraries
  • Microsoft technical support
  • Web hosting price

What to Look For in the Best ASP.NET Hosting

As we mentioned earlier, the best ASP.NET hosting will feature five criterions. These points determine the ratings for ASP.NET web hosting.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”tags” wrap=”i”] ASP.NET Frameworks: Since ASP.NET websites require running in the associated .NET framework, it is always better when the web host is able to support most frameworks from v1.1 up to v4.0. In such a case, you can have maximum flexibility for your websites and can keep the possibility of upgrading to the higher versions at the same time.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”tags” wrap=”i”] ASP.NET Trust Level: It is basically the configuration in the IIS for a website. The best available and flexible option is to choose ‘Full Trust’. From then, you don’t have to worry about the websites not running properly in a shared web host. If you are looking for a balanced option between flexibility and security, then you can choose ‘Medium’ if you have the experience on debugging and deploying ASP.NET. You can also choose this when you are perceptive on the server reliability and security.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”tags” wrap=”i”] Add-on Features: Add-on features are basically third party applications. Installation is required for these third party libraries. They are very important if your website relies on Atlas library and E.G. Chat controls library among others.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”tags” wrap=”i”] Database: if you are concerned more on the supported SQL Server versions and its limitations, then the preferred SQL Server is 2008. However, many of the web hosts only support Express editions. It’s usually enough for most websites that are hosted with shared web hosting.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”tags” wrap=”i”] Knowledge of Microsoft Technology Support: Whenever in doubt, you can always call the technical support of your web host easily and ask the technical questions that are related to ASP.NET website configuration and deployment. This is very important especially considering if you have a problem in the future.

Cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting Tutorial – How To Change Startup.cs and wwwroot folder name in ASP.NET Core

Cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting Tutorial – How To Change Startup.cs and wwwroot folder name in ASP.NET Core | Best and cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 hosting. ASP.NET Core runs on conventions. It expects Startup.cs file for starting up the ASP.NET Core application and wwwroot folder for the application’s static contents. But what if you want to change the name of Startup.cs and wwwroot to your choice? Well, that can be done. In this short post, we will see how to change Startup.cs and wwwroot folder name in ASP.NET Core.


Change Startup.cs class name

You can easily change the startup class name. Open the Startup.cs file and change the startup class name from Startup to “MyAppStartup” (or anything of your choice). And also change the name of the constructor.

Now you need to tell ASP.NET Core about new Startup class name, otherwise application will not start. So open Program.cs file and change the UseStartup() call as follows:

That’s it.

Change wwwroot folder name

Earlier, I posted how to rename the wwwroot folder via hosting.json file but that doesn’t seem to work now. To change the name, right on wwwroot folder and rename it to “AppWebRoot” (or anything of your choice).

Now, open Program.cs file and add highlighted line of code to Main().

That’s it.

Hope you liked it. Thank you for reading.

Cheap ASP.NET Hosting – What’s ASP.NET Why Should I Use It ?

Cheap ASP.NET Hosting – What’s ASP.NET Why Should I Use It ? | Best and Cheap ASP.NET hosting. In the world of web and application development, there are many frameworks and languages that developers can choose from. Each framework has features and benefits that make them different. The framework I will be discussing in this blog post is ASP.NET.

What is ASP.NET?

ASP.NET is an open source, server-side web application framework created by Microsoft that runs on Windows and was started in the early 2000s. ASP.NET allows developers to develop web apps, services, and dynamic websites.


Why Should I Use It?

There are plenty of good reasons to use ASP.NET when developing a website or an application. High speed, low cost, and vast language support are among the most significant benefits. ASP.NET also allows a developer to choose from many different development environments, also its popularity gives a developer tons of online resources when learning new things, or troubleshooting bugs.

Websites and applications built with ASP.NET can be faster than a website build with PHP for example. ASP.NET applications are compiled, which means the code is translated into object code, which is then executed.

This is faster than code that is translated. Translated code is code that is not directly executed by the machine, but is read first then executed. Compiled code is faster than translated code, and can do anything translated code can do.

Cost is an important factor when developing a website. One of the main benefits of ASP.NET is that it is a very cost effective solution in terms of development. When setting up a site in PHP for example, you often pay for your development environment, FTP client and maybe even your database server.

If you are using WordPress, then odds are you are paying for that as well. ASP.NET on the other hand, can be developed almost entirely for free. Your development environment, FTP client, and server costs can easily be avoided. Your only cost in ASP.NET could be hosting.

ASP.NET is written using Object Oriented Programming languages such as C++, C#, or Some would argue these languages give a developer more control or freedom over their code. There is the concern of a learning curve for languages like or C++, but for a language like C#, it is rather easy to pick up, and if you are accustomed to PHP or even Java, then C# is rather easy to pick up.

With all these benefits of ASP.NET, it’s no wonder that it would be so popular. The great thing about using a popular framework is that it’s developer community and support is well founded and easy to find. You can read tons of great guides, tips, and even meetups for across all corners of the internet with a quick google search. Also, products using are frequently updated to meet modern development standards, so you won’t fall behind in technology.

As a whole, ASP.NET is a great framework to use across the board when developing web sites, or web applications. It is reliable, fast, easy to use, and widely known. gives you full control of your development and can easily be used on any project, big or small. If you aren’t already using, why not give it a shot?

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200 MB Email Space
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/mo with 15% OFF
Unlimited Domain
Unlimited Disk Space
Unlimited Bandwidth
500 MB MSSQL Space/DB
MSSQL 2008/2012/2014
MSSQL 2016
500 MB MySQL Space/DB
500 MB Email Space
Sign Up
/mo with 35% OFF
Host Unlimited Sites
2 GB Disk Space
20 GB Bandwidth
1 SQL Server
SQL 2008/2012/2014
SQL 2016
100 MB SQL Server / db
100 MB MySQL /db
500 MB Email Space
Sign Up

Best and Cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting | Best ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting

Why we choose ASPHostPortal for the Best ASP.NET Web hosting provider?

asphostportal-icon-e1421832425840-120x120-e1424663413602Because ASPHostPortal is Awards Winning Hosting Company providing the full range of Superior .NET hosting services including Shared, Dedicated and Reseller ASP.NET Web hosting at affordable prices. They support the latest .NET hosting features as ASP.NET Core 1.0 ,5/4.5, MVC 5, MS SQL 2014/2012 and Windows 2012 with IIS 8. ASPHostPortal offer Unlimited site, Data transfer and Email accounts with their shared hosting plans with combination of Free Domain, 24/7 U.S. Based Customer Support, 30 Day Money Back Guarantee and more!

Make a smart choice and get the right .NET hosting for you! | Cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting

hostforlife-icon-e1421832276583-120x120-e1424663388212With more than 7 Years of web hosting experience, HostForLIFE provide quality UNLIMITED ASP.NET web hosting,Windows Share and Windows Dedicated servers. They support the latest .NET stack as ASP.NET Core 1.0, 5, 4.5, SQL 2012/2014, Windows 2012 Server. You will also receive Unlimited Disk space and Bandwidth. That is quality you can count on. If you are tired moving your website between ASP.NET hosts. They are the right choice for your business. They own an operate their own UK based data center. Offer 24/7 live support. And much more!

Get reliable ASP.NET hosting and SAVE money now! | Affordable ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting

discountservice-icon-e1421396726386-120x120-e1424663401956Meet the Fastest ASP.NET in the World! Take advantage of powerful, on-demand ASP.NET hosting to boost the performance of your IT infrastructure. Multiple template options are available so you have the flexibility to customize instances based upon your needs. Rely on their Windows ASP.NET hosting to quickly scale and deploy IT assets when you need them, only paying for the resources you use. Their Windows hosting customers receive 100% Uptime Guarantee, Live 24/7/365 Australia. based customer support, and 12 Data Centers at Affordable price.

Create Account and Get Started Today!

Looking for the Best and Cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting click here !!

Looking for the Best and Cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting click here !! | Best and Cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 hosting. Find the best ASP.NET Core 1.0 Web Hosting company from our recommended list of best and cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 web hosts below. These hosts offer Best ASP.NET hosting plans and are feature rich.

/mo with 15% OFF
Host Unlimited Sites
5 GB Disk Space
60 GB Bandwidth
2 SQL Server db
SQL 2008/2012/2014
SQL Server 2016
200 MB SQL Server / db
3 MySQL db
200 MB MySQL /db
200 MB Email Space
Sign Up
/mo with 15% OFF
Unlimited Domain
Unlimited Disk Space
Unlimited Bandwidth
500 MB MSSQL Space/DB
MSSQL 2008/2012/2014
MSSQL 2016
500 MB MySQL Space/DB
500 MB Email Space
Sign Up
/mo with 35% OFF
Host Unlimited Sites
2 GB Disk Space
20 GB Bandwidth
1 SQL Server
SQL 2008/2012/2014
SQL 2016
100 MB SQL Server / db
100 MB MySQL /db
500 MB Email Space
Sign Up

Find The Best and Cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting

Why do you look for a new commercial Windows Hosting Provider? Because you have created your new ASP.NET website, because you are not happy with your recent Web hosting company, because you would like to upgrade (need more resources) your recent Windows Web hosting services, or because you want to start a small Web hosting business.

In all of the above reasons what will be the best Windows Web hosting for you? The best and cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 host will give you the opportunity to focus on your main business, to provide better services for your web site visitors/customers, to have a better company Image, because fast and reliable Web hosting means stable and serious website, and it could also create an advantage over your competitors. Otherwise, if you choose poor Windows Web hosting services could be catastrophic for your business and you could also lose time and money to move your website to a new hosting company and pay for new hosting services.

There are many ASP.NET hosts that offer different types of services and technologies, but essential for the Customer is the value of these hosting services, which means that the ASP.NET Host should best suit all of his requirements!

Every Windows Host has advantages and disadvantages. Some .NET Hosts offer better Shared or Dedicated Web Hosting, others have excellent customer support or better prices. So remember that if some ASP.NET Host is the best for your requirements, it could be not for somebody else!

How did we choose these Windows web hosting providers?

Important qualifying factors like best ASP.NET and windows hosting features, customer support and satisfaction, price factor, reliability, uptime statistics and techical support were taken into consideration. For details, please read web hosting review of each company. Review covers relevant techincal information as well as price details. Discounts and coupons, if available are listed as well. Please see our star rating as well. Better star rating indicates a better hosting company

Best and Cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting | Best ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting

Why we choose ASPHostPortal for the Best ASP.NET Web hosting provider?

asphostportal-icon-e1421832425840-120x120-e1424663413602Because ASPHostPortal is Awards Winning Hosting Company providing the full range of Superior .NET hosting services including Shared, Dedicated and Reseller ASP.NET Web hosting at affordable prices. They support the latest .NET hosting features as ASP.NET Core 1.0 ,5/4.5, MVC 5, MS SQL 2014/2012 and Windows 2012 with IIS 8. ASPHostPortal offer Unlimited site, Data transfer and Email accounts with their shared hosting plans with combination of Free Domain, 24/7 U.S. Based Customer Support, 30 Day Money Back Guarantee and more!

Make a smart choice and get the right .NET hosting for you! | Cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting

hostforlife-icon-e1421832276583-120x120-e1424663388212With more than 7 Years of web hosting experience, HostForLIFE provide quality UNLIMITED ASP.NET web hosting,Windows Share and Windows Dedicated servers. They support the latest .NET stack as ASP.NET Core 1.0, 5, 4.5, SQL 2012/2014, Windows 2012 Server. You will also receive Unlimited Disk space and Bandwidth. That is quality you can count on. If you are tired moving your website between ASP.NET hosts. They are the right choice for your business. They own an operate their own UK based data center. Offer 24/7 live support. And much more!

Get reliable ASP.NET hosting and SAVE money now! | Affordable ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting

discountservice-icon-e1421396726386-120x120-e1424663401956Meet the Fastest ASP.NET in the World! Take advantage of powerful, on-demand ASP.NET hosting to boost the performance of your IT infrastructure. Multiple template options are available so you have the flexibility to customize instances based upon your needs. Rely on their Windows ASP.NET hosting to quickly scale and deploy IT assets when you need them, only paying for the resources you use. Their Windows hosting customers receive 100% Uptime Guarantee, Live 24/7/365 Australia. based customer support, and 12 Data Centers at Affordable price.

Create Account and Get Started Today!

Windows Cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting

Windows Cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting | Cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 hosting. If you’re looking for the best Windows ASP.NET Core 1.0 hosting provider for your ASP.NET Core 1.0-driven enterprise, choosing one of the providers listed in this guide will both set you off on the right foot and give you the freedom to customize your services at a later date (for example, upgrading servers specs etc as your business grows/expands) with relative ease. We’re not at all keen on web hosting companies that try to lock you into particular services with technical tricks! It will also connect you with the services of some of the very best, most-trustworthy ASP.NET Core 1.0-web-hosting hands in the industry.

Super Cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting only $1

Choosing the best and cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 hosting service for your site isn’t always as easy as it should be – and if you’re not sure where to start it can seem a pretty daunting task. It doesn’t have to be. In this short guide, we’ll detail the four main types of hosting available, recommend a few of the best and cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 hosting providers in the industry and finish up by putting you on the path to learning the ins-and-outs of using ASP.NET Core 1.0!

Choosing one of the Cheap Windows ASP.NET Core 1.0 hosting providers

Our winning recommendations for each type of ASP.NET Core 1.0 hosting – based on both our personal experience and the general consensus of the ASP.NET Core 1.0 community – with a brief summary of what makes each company special:

Host Intro
Host 1 Site
1 GB Disk Space
10 GB Bandwidth
0 SQL Server db
SQL Server 2008/2012/2014
0 MB SQL Server / db
0 MySQL db
0 MB MySQL /db
50 MB Email Space
Sign Up
Host One
Host Unlimited Sites
5 GB Disk Space
60 GB Bandwidth
2 SQL Server db
SQL Server 2008/2012/2014
200 MB SQL /db
3 MySQL db
200 MB MySQL /db
200 MB Email Space
Sign Up
Host Two
Host Unlimited Sites
15 GB Disk Space
150 GB Bandwidth
4 SQL Server db
SQL Server 2008/2012/2014
500 MB SQL / db
6 MySQL db
500 MB MySQL /db
500 MB Email Space
Sign Up
Host Three
Host Unlimited Sites
50 GB Disk Space
500 GB Bandwidth
6 SQL Server db
SQL Server 2008/2012/2014
1000 MB SQL / db
10 MySQL db
1000 MB MySQL /db
1000 MB Email Space
Sign Up


ASPHostPortal review is based on their industry reputation, web hosting features, performance, reliability, customer service and price, coming from our real hosting experience with them and the approximately 100 reviews from their real customers. ASPHostPortal offers a variety of cheap and reliable Windows ASP.NET Shared Hosting Plans with unlimited disk space for your website hosting needs.

ASPHostPortal revolutionized hosting with Plesk Control Panel, a Web-based interface that provides customers with 24×7 access to their server and site configuration tools. Some other hosting providers manually execute configuration requests, which can take days. Plesk completes requests in seconds. It is included free with each hosting account. Renowned for its comprehensive functionality – beyond other hosting control panels – and ease of use, Plesk Control Panel is available only to ASPHostPortal’s customers.

ahp new

ASPHostPortal has a very brilliant reputation in the community. According to the statistics of the reviews we have received by now, almost all of ASPHostPortal customers are quite satisfied with this web host.So far there have been many reviews received from their real customers, the 98.0% of customers are highly happy with the overall service received, and there is nearly no complaint surprisingly. is Microsoft No #1 Recommended Windows and ASP.NET Spotlight Hosting Partner in United States. Microsoft presents this award to for the ability to support the latest Microsoft and ASP.NET technology, such as: WebMatrix, WebDeploy, Visual Studio 2015, .NET 5/ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET MVC 6.0/5.2, Silverlight 6 and Visual Studio Lightswitch.

Hosting Reliability

“Their servers never go down.” – when we surveyed on the reliability of ASPHostPortal. We have set up an uptime testing through Pingdom to monitor a ASP.NET site hosted on ASPHostPortal platform since July, 2013. So far, we haven’t detected any serious downtime which is longer than 10 minutes. ASPHostPortal always commits 99.9% hosting uptime in the real world. In the November 2014, there was no downtime and network interruption, and the testing site was 100% online.

ASPHostPortal Customer Service

The company provides 24/7 US-based technical support via email and live chat. Thus, customers can contact the experts immediately. What’s more, the company has promised that the first response time is in 2 minutes, which averages under 30 seconds in the real world. The support staffs of ASPHostPortal are all well-trained to resolve any technical problems effectively. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the capability of these people.

Besides, multiple FAQs are included in the section of Community Q&A, which provide people with the solutions for some common issues specifically. The Guides & Whitepapers offers multiple useful tutorials for site building.

ASPHostPortal is Highly Recommended for ASP.NET Core 1.0 hosting

After reading so many outstanding points and positive reviews, the answer is very clear. ASPHostPortal is highly recommended for people who are looking for a multi-purpose, reliable, fast and trusted shared web host at an affordable rate. In case that you are planing to have your web presence or move out from your current horrible web host, ASPHostPortal is one of the best choices you won’t go wrong.

Cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting Comparison – HostForLIFE VS PakHost

Cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting Comparison – HostForLIFE VS PakHost

Choosing a quality ASP.NET hosting provider is not an easy job for most users, especially those newbies. Therefore, our editors have done the hard work for you and finally compared named the companies above as the best and cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0  hosting companies.

What’s ASP.NET ? | ASP.NET is one of the leading web application development framework allowing programmers to build dynamic web sites, web applications and web services. It was developed and launched by Microsoft. Currently there are millions of developers, and significant amount of software development companies opting for development for their development needs.

It was released in January 2002 with version 1.0 with the current version ore 1.0. It is based on framework and is the descendant to Microsoft’s Active Server Pages technology. Furthermore, it is built on the Common Language Runtime (CLR) giving freedom to programmers to write its code using any language.

HostForLIFE and and PakHost, Both providers are big, famous, and best Windows ASP.NET hosting company and have thousand customers in the world. Today, we will discuss their service quality to give you consideration in choosing best and cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 hosting provider. We compare them based on their speed, features, and price.

Cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting Speed Comparison

Google’s introduction of website speed as a parameter in their ranking algorithm means that webmasters must now pay even closer attention to the loading speed of their websites. The fact that Google went out of its way to announce this new parameter is telling in itself since Google will not usually publicize new parameters to its successful algorithm.

According to the announcement, the speed penalty was introduced following various experiments done by Google on the impact of site speed on internet users. But the results of the experiment comes as no surprise even for someone that has started to use the Internet recently – users prefer websites that load faster and tend to spend more time on such websites.

To present accurate result for HostForLIFE and PakHost speed, we have measured them with ultratools website. They present powerful tool that can test your hosting provider speed. Based on this tool, We have conclude that HostForLIFE is faster than PakHost.

HostForLIFE VS PakHost Hosting Speed



Cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting Price Comparison

Like in any other business, web hosting industry also has a small number of scamsters who want your business at any cost. They believe that they can sell you anything at any price “from Eiffel tower to the Kitchen sink”. Some of these will give you web hosting prices that are much higher simply because they think that they can convince you to pay more.

Others will offer the world for very-little and hope that you will be satisfied with whatever they dish out. However, a majority of web hosting providers may have genuine reasons for higher / lower web hosting prices.

To make easy your duty in choosing best ASP.NET hosting plan that suit with your budget, the following are the hosting plan of HostForLIFE and PakHost that you can compare.

HostForLIFE Hosting Plans


HostForLIFE offers a variety of cheap and affordable Windows ASP.NET Shared Hosting Plans to fit any need. They have 4 plans named classic, budget, economy, and bussiness. Their price starts from €3.00 – €11.00 per month. It included unlimited domain, unlimited disk space anad bandwidth with the new ASP.NET features and 99.99% uptime and 30 days money back guarantee.

PakHost Hosting Plans


While PakHost offers professional Windows web hosting. They have 3 plans named Basic, Standard, and VPS. Their price starts from $2.99 – $11.99 per month. It included with ASP.NET 2.0/4.0 features with 30 days money back guarantee and 99.99% uptime guarantee.

Cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting Features Comparison

With many different possibilities of web hosting companies on the internet, which one should you choose? The best way to choose is to analyze what type of features and services they offer. Knowing what some of these features and services are will help you narrow down your decision.

To help you find the best feature that suit with your budget, we have gathered main important features from HostForLIFE and PakHost website. The following are the comparison features table of HostForLIFE and PakHost.

All Version
2.0, 4.0
All Version
Hosted Domain
Unlimited Website
Unknown Website
2 db
MySQL Space
3 db
1 db
Dual Quad-core
16 GB
Control Panel


With above information, you can conclude by yourself which ASP.NET provider that give better services and meet with your requirements. We don’t want to judge you must choose one provider, we just give you consideration to avoid you select wrong provider. The decision back to you.